Where AI and Public Health Merge
AI and Public Health
In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way public health organizations operate, offering new opportunities for data-driven decision-making, disease prevention, and health equity. At Contribution LLC, we specialize in helping public health organizations explore and implement AI applications that align with their mission and goals. As a public health educator and practitioner with a passion for AI, I bring a unique perspective to bridge the gap between technology and real-world public health challenges. Whether you’re looking to assess your readiness for AI, develop strategic initiatives, or build partnerships, our consulting services are designed to guide you every step of the way.
My name is Nicholas Swope MS, MCHES, RPCV
Team Lead
As a public health professional, AI enthusiast/skeptic, MPH lecturer, and Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, I am passionate about helping your organization change the world, one community at a time. That starts with knowing how and when to use AI.
While working on my doctorate degree in public health, I noticed a gap in our field. AI was discussed with hesitation at best and met with direct resistance at its worst. Only siloed individuals were working on the conversation and modernization of our field. If we are not leading the discussion, someone else will. I believe that generative AI is as revolutionary for public health as the advent of the computer, and through responsible, ethical, and intentional usage, it can be an invaluable tool in public health.
For the last ten years, I have worked for and with public health agencies to achieve accreditation, conduct Community Health Assessments/Community Health Improvement Plans (CHA/CHIP), lead inter-agency strategic planning, and implement results-driven quality improvement and grants management for over 38 programs. For five years, I served as the Epidemiology, immunizations and Health Promotions Manager for an outstanding team of 15 public health professionals. As the Operations Section Chief for our health district's COVID-19 response, I facilitated forecasting, front-line planning, epidemiology, data analytics, and testing. In addition to direct public health service, I have been a full-time lecturer at the CEPH-accredited MPH program at Eastern Washington University.